Top Guys

Top Guys
Top Guys top every where forever and ever
In our group:

Chief editor: Kate Fly
Web designers: Mark S., Alina P.
Journalists: Tatyana L., MakKate., Kate., Alex N., Ylya K., Ugin K.
Correctors: Sofia B., Zahar A.

School: Школа:

We on the project's map " Mass Media в XXI веке"

"Таблица ЗИУК" участников команды

Word cloud (облако слов) "Mass Media"

Timeline "The evolution of information carriers"

Screen of completed task
Ответ на проблемный вопрос I этапа: 

Media Diary "I and mass media"


Essay "How do I interact with mass media"

Социологический опрос "How do mass media influence our lives?"

Диаграмма в сервисе Chartgo

Ответ на проблемный вопрос II этапа: "How do mass media affect our lives?"
The value of the mass media in modern society can not be overestimated. They are so firmly established in our everyday life that we even can not imagine their existence without them. Begun in the mid-20th century, the rapid development of information technology laid the foundation for the formation of a society entirely new type - the information society. The media occupy in the development of society a special place. In fact in today's world the media have made a significant part of the functions on the formation of people's consciousness, raising their value orientations, tastes, attitudes, habits, and preferences

Ответ на проблемный вопрос III этапа:"How to check up the the accuracy of information given to us by mass  media?"
I think, we can check all information by comparing this information from different news sites, newspapers or books.

"Таблица ЗИУК" участников команды

Основополагающий вопрос проекта: 

"How are new materials changing our life?"
I think that new materials change our lifes in better ways because they bring us new knowledges and teach us to do something new.

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